12 Days of Digital Defense Tips for the Holidays

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and unfortunately, increased vulnerability to security threats. While sharing your gifts on social media has become a common practice, it's crucial to be aware of the potential risks associated with oversharing during this time. 

“Many of us want to relive and share the joy of receiving our  Christmas gifts online with our friends and others. However,  sharing your gifts on social media is like wrapping your home in a virtual bow and presenting it to potential thieves and unwanted attention . In the spirit of the season,  try and safeguard your joy by keeping the surprises and gifts  off social media. The more you reveal online, the greater the risk of turning holiday joy into an unintended invitation for theft” says our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Thomas. 

That is why these 12 practical tips on the importance of digital defense will safeguard your home from potential burglars lurking on social media during the Holiday season. 

1. 'Tis the Season to Review Your Privacy Settings: 

Before you start sharing your holiday decorations or vacation plans, take a moment to review your social media privacy settings. Ensure that your profiles are set to private, limiting the audience for your posts to only trusted friends and family. This simple step can significantly reduce the chances of strangers accessing information about your home and whereabouts. 

2. Delay Your Updates: 

While it might be tempting to share real-time updates of your holiday festivities, consider delaying your posts. Share your experiences after you've returned home, rather than providing a live play-by-play of your activities. This precautionary measure prevents potential burglars from knowing your home is unoccupied, minimizing the risk of a break-in. 

3. Avoid Geotagging: 

Many social media platforms allow users to tag their location in posts. While this feature can be fun for sharing experiences, it also discloses your current whereabouts. Disable geotagging to prevent inadvertently revealing your home address or indicating when you're away. Burglars often scour social media for such information to plan their activities. 

4. Be Mindful of What You Share: 

Exercise caution when sharing details about expensive gifts, electronics, or valuable items you've received. Posting photos of high-value items could make your home a target for thieves. Consider sharing such updates in private messages or with a select group of trusted friends rather than broadcasting them publicly. 

5. Create a Trusted Circle: 

Establish a close-knit circle of friends or family members with whom you can share your holiday plans privately. This way, you can still enjoy the festive season with your loved ones while minimizing the risk of exposing sensitive information to a wider audience. 

6. Install Security Measures: 

In addition to digital precautions, ensure your physical space is protected. Install security measures such as motion-activated lights, surveillance cameras, and smart locks. These not only act as deterrents but also provide evidence in the event of suspicious activity. 


7. Schedule Social Media Detox Days: 

Consider designating specific days during the holiday season as social media detox days. This break can help you enjoy quality time with loved ones without the need to constantly update your online presence. Burglars are less likely to target homes where the owners are actively present. 


8. Educate Your Family and Friends: 

Share the importance of digital defense with your friends and family. Encourage them to follow similar practices to collectively create a safer online environment for everyone. A collective effort can go a long way in fortifying the security of your social media networks. 


9. Limit Location-Based Check-ins: 

Avoid checking in to specific locations in real-time, especially when away from home. While sharing your experiences can be enjoyable, broadcasting your exact location can be risky. Save your check-ins for after you've left a location to ensure that you're not inadvertently providing information about your current absence from home. If you want to share your favorite spots, consider doing so without disclosing your real-time presence. 


10. Password Protection Matters: 

Regularly update and strengthen your passwords on social media platforms. Use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters, and avoid using easily guessable information like birthdays or names. Strong, unique passwords help prevent unauthorised access to your accounts and the sensitive information they contain. 


11. Monitor Your Tagged Photos: 

Stay vigilant about photos in which you are tagged by others. Friends and family might innocently share images that reveal details about your location or property. Regularly check and adjust your tagging settings to control who can tag you and who can see the tagged photos on your profile. 


12. Secure Your Wi-Fi Network: 

Ensure that your home Wi-Fi network is secure by using a strong, unique password. Regularly update your router's firmware and consider enabling WPA3 encryption for enhanced security. A secure network prevents unauthorized access and protects the data transmitted between your devices, reducing the risk of potential cyber threats. 

In conclusion, while the holidays are a time for sharing joy, it's crucial to strike a balance between sharing and safeguarding your home. Implementing these digital defense strategies will not only protect your privacy but also contribute to a safer and more secure festive season for you and your loved ones. 




Useful contacts during the Holidays: 



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